Date: 25/08/2020

Implementing Partner: Environmental Awareness & Protection Organization (EAPO)

Project Financial Supporter: Embassy of Canada in Afghanistan

Project Name: “Reduction of Green House Gasses in Kabul & Parwan through the Construction of Composting Bins & Anaerobic Digesters; Raising Awareness of the Public and Launching an Advocacy Campaign”

Brief explanation of the project:

Environmental Awareness and Protection Organization (EAPO) has been awarded a Canada Fund for Local Initiative (CFLI), project by the Embassy of Canada in Afghanistan. EAPO will implement this project in Kabul (Shakardara, Istalif, Shahr-e-naw and Doghabad) and Parwan (Bagram District)”. The beneficiaries of this project will be selected from different walks of life including women, farmers, restaurant staff, environmental activists, and university professors and students. The project will be pursuing the following objectives:

  • Advocating and raising awareness of communities on climate changes and its effect on agriculture, economic and social conditions of the communities
  • Making Composting Bins (CBs) and Anaerobic Digesters (ADs) by using local equipment.
  • Delivery of trainings for the proper use of CBs and ADs

The project will help in reducing the emission of carbon dioxide and methane in targeted locations which are caused by food wastes and agricultural remains. The project will also raise the level of awareness of communities on environment and provide training opportunities for farmers, restaurant owners and university students on the proper use of CBs and ADs.  Construction of 40 Composting Bins and 10 Anaerobic Digesters is one of the key activities of this project.

The project is for six   months, started on August 24, 2020 and will be concluded on Feb 24,2021. EAPO is grateful to the Embassy of Canada for supporting this important project.

For further information about the project activities, please contact EAPO director via an email